TP-Link TD-W8901N 150Mbps Wireless
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If you are getting problem
while receiving the internet connection or you are facing the problem related
to the slow internet connection, then the device namely, TP-Link TD-W8901N
150Mbps Wireless is known for its speed and high speed internet connection.
This device offers the internet speed of around 150Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem
Router. The downloading speed of this device is of around 24Mbps and the
uploading speed of this device is of around 3.5 Mbps.
If you will have this modem
at your home, then you can easily enjoy the internet at every corner of your
house. The modem is designed in such a way to provide its users the internet speed
of around 10/100 Mbps. You can easily check its speed from tplinkextender. net
This device is compact in
size which automatically helps in consuming a lot of space. While installing
the setup of this device, you will also check that the software of this device
is very easy to install and quite handy.
This router is made with the
SPI and the NAT type of firewalls which conclude that this device is very much
safe and secure as compare to the other variety of the routers.
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